salary management service
Two staff for payroll at your service within ACVL.
Payroll SoftwareSILAExpert, payroll software for accounting and payroll management firms.
We ensure the entire social mission, from the DPAE to the end of the contract.
Very competitive prices: from7€/bulletin.
For the following national collective agreements (CCN):
what solution for you?

Oriane ODIER
Payroll accountant
Your contact at every stage of the social mission
contact me
by email
by telephone :

Sébastien MARCHAND
Director of ACVL
Legal matters, NCC & contracts, audits & advice
contact me
by email
by telephone :
(ex animation)
IDCC 1518
Artistic businesses
and cultural
IDCC 1285
Companies in the private performing arts sector;
IDCC 3090
IDCC 1516
Espaces de loisirs, d'attractions et culturels
IDCC 1790
payroll outsourcing
Payroll outsourcing involves entrusting the payroll management process to us.
You remain the employer and call on us as a service provider for this administrative mission; you retain all of your prerogatives, rights and duties in your capacity as employer.
We take care ofdeclarations and hiring formalities (DUE/DPAE) of thepreparation of bulletins payroll andsocial declarationsmandatory, nominative social declarations (DSN) as well as any necessary documents in the event of aHR event (hiring, end of contract, change of contract, etc.).
In addition, we are responsible for carrying out aregulatory monitoring efficient, thus giving the guarantee of pay slips complying with thelatest texts in force.
salary portability
We employ on your behalf and provide you with staff.
ACVL assumes employer responsibility, as such, we reserve the right to grant or not grant your service request.
This possibility is only offeredfor short contracts of use (CDDU): artists, trainers, juries, etc.
NB: for artists, salary portage cannot replace delegated production; in this case contact us to put in place the appropriate response to your needs.
For the provision of a long contract, or for a group of employers, contact us.